
Caramel Budino with Salted Caramel Sauce....

I may have mentioned it before but I'll say it again caramel is my all time favorite dessert. Whether it's in a sauce or in a bar, hard or soft, the buttery creamy lava is a winner for me. When I saw this recipe in Septembers Bon Appetit I knew I had to make it. The word "budino" is Italian for pudding and this would be the second layer in this four layer tower of delectation. The others being a chocolate cookie crust on the bottom followed by the budino which is topped by a rich golden salted caramel sauce and finally a dollop of whipped cream sits on top like the crema on a perfectly poured espresso.

The recipe takes a little bit of nurturing and careful stirring but the results are well worth it. I knew this would be a rich finish to an already amazing dinner we had so I made mini servings using glass candle jars which turned out to be the perfect size and also gave me the chance to still be eating this dessert three days later as there was so much leftover, no complaints there! This is also another dessert which screams to be made a day early to let the pudding set so if you have other courses to attend to you can feel safe knowing that you already have the dessert in the bag.

Here's the recipe from Bon Appetit:

Cookie crust-
1 Cup of finely chopped chocolate cookie crumbs
2 Tbsp melted butter
A tiny pinch of kosher salt

3 Cups whole milk divided
1/4 Cup cornstarch
3/4 Cup packed dark brown sugar
5 Large egg yolks
3 Tbsp melted butter
2 tsp dark rum
1 tsp kosher salt

Salted Caramel Sauce-
3/4 Cup plus 2 tbsp heavy cream
1/2 vanilla bean split
1/2 Cup sugar
2 Tbsp light corn syrup
4 Tbsp chilled unsalted butter
1/4 tsp kosher salt

Some lightly sweetened whipping cream

Mix cookie crumbs, butter and salt in a bowl. Set aside 2 tbsp for garnishing at the end. Press some of the cookie mix into the base of your chosen dishes, remember small is good as it's very rich.

Whisk 1/2 cup of milk and the cornstarch  in a small bowl and set aside. Heat remaining 2 1/2 cups of milk just to a slight simmer and set aside. To make caramel, stir the brown sugar and 3/4 cup of water in a heavy pan over a medium heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and cook without stirring until a thermometer reads 210-220.
Whisk egg yolks in a bowl . Gradually whisk in hot milk very slowly and then cornstarch mixture followed by the caramel. Return mixture to the heat and whisk constantly over a medium heat until mixture thickens and the thermometer reads 175, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in the butter, rum and salt. Pour enough pudding mix over the cookie crust in each dish leaving about 2 inches from the top. Chill until set, can be made ahead.

For the salted caramel sauce- Place cream in a small jug and scrape in seeds from the vanilla bean, add the bean and set aside. Stir sugar, corn syrup and 2 Tbsp of water in a heavy pan over med heat and boil occasionally swirling the pan until a deep amber color appears, 5-6 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the vanilla cream (take out the bean if it's still in there) . Whisk over a medium heat until smooth and thick, about 2 minutes. Remove and whisk in butter and salt. Let cool slightly.
when ready to serve spoon some of the sauce onto the pudding which should be jiggly and set, top with a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle with some cookie crumbs saved from the beginning


  1. Oh my gosh, that's restaurant quality right there!

  2. I tried making caramel sauce before but it turned out tasting like butterscotch^o) Your budino with the sauce looks so delicious! I must try making one more time.

  3. YuuUuUuuum Gerry, this looks great. I am also a caramel lover, but only a recent convert if you can believe it. Love the dark, rich color on yours - that's just how I like mine, too!

  4. Yum, this looks delicious! I am a caramel lover, as well.

  5. I'm with you on that one! I LOVE caramel anything. This looks so delicious :)

  6. Wow - really pretty! I love caramel - on or in almost anything! Thanks for another great recipe. Tricia

  7. Wowee!!! I'm a bit of a caramel seeker too, love the stuff so this dessert is right up my street

  8. wow! that looks amazing- caramel is my fav too

  9. I'd have this for breakfast! If you are interested at all in going to the festival, I say grab a ticket, they usually sell out. It's a casual thing, mostly networking. Let me know if you are going and be sure and say hi.

  10. That sounds like one delicious dessert and they look so good too. I'm a big caramel fan too - mmmm.

  11. Chocolate and Caramel are 'to die for' parts of this awesome dessert...wud love to taste some:)

  12. I just discovered your blog and how lucky am I. Your post of this delicious dessert and your photo both are great.

  13. Oh, my!!! These look amazing!! I adore caramel, too, and am copying this recipe to try. YUM!

  14. I'm a big fan of caramel too! Great recipe--looks amazing!

  15. Who doesn't love caramel! The photos are making my mouth water.

  16. I'm now seeing glass candle jars in a whole new light (excuse the pun)! Love your budinos an it's really hard to go wrong with salted caramel.

  17. I think the recipe is wrong for the caramel budino. Look at the recipe, 1:1 brown sugar to water? Doesn't make sense. And heat it to 210 - 220? Really? Water boils @ 212 degrees F...

    I know it isn't you, as the recipe in Bon Appetit says the same thing...

  18. Anonymous, I thank you for alerting me to my typo. It should have read 3/4 cup of water. As for the temp of the caramel I took it to 220 and was happy with it. I don't think it needed to be boiled for a long time but just to end up with a light caramel to add to the custard.

  19. YUM! I LOVE your recipe ! Would you come over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow and share your tasty recipe with us?
    I hope to see you there!

  20. You had me at salted caramel! These look amazing & I love your second photo!!

  21. Wow this looks amazing.
    Greetings from Chile

  22. Salted caramel is one of my most favorite things. EVER! Must try this!!!

  23. Okay, my friend, how did I miss this one earlier? I can only blame the madness that comes with the first few weeks of school! Love it, I will definitely have to try this. I wonder if I can come up with a low carb version???

  24. Yum! I am a huge fan of Caramel Sauces, look perfect and delicious!!& I love your blog


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