
Flaxseed and Cracked Pepper Crackers, Cook Book Spotlight with Joy The Baker....

Joy The Bakers new cook book has a plethora of recipes in it which I am jonesing to try! Although there's some dangerously good looking pages of sweet Utopia, I was happy to try the second recipe choice given to us by Heather of Girlichef fame. It was the Flaxseed and Cracked Pepper cracker. I like crackers but growing up I was really only exposed to the Cream Cracker. This was a square water cracker sold in Scotland and it's so dry there's actually an eating challenge made for the cream cracker. One unlucky individual has to eat three in under one minute without any water. It sounds easy but is virtually impossible due to the harsh dryness of the cracker.

Don't worry Joy I'm not going to compare your flax crackers to the above and I apologise to all of the Cream Cracker fans I know, I'm just not one of them. These flax and pepper crackers were very good and really easy to make not to mention pretty good for your body. I did make two adjustments. The recipe calls for flax seed and also flax meal which was almost $10 a bag. I only needed a 1/4 cup so being the tight wad that I am, chose to grind some extra flax seeds in my coffee grinder to make my own flax meal. I also baked them for longer than the suggested time of 15-18 minutes. My reason was, once they came out and cooled they were a little on the soft side. They tasted great but I missed my crunch n' snap. I put them back in the oven and baked them for about another 10 minutes and once cool they were crunchy with that perfect snap. I wouldn't worry about burning them either, the oven temp is 325 degrees and if anything they'll just dry out even more which is how I like them.

They taste earthy and wholesome and I love trying to squish the flax seeds with my teeth after the cracker is on it's way to my stomach. I'm strange that way but I bet I'm not the only person, right? The consistency of my dough was great for rolling and also having buttermilk in them made me smile. I think buttermilk does wonders for recipes adding moisture and more flavor than regular milk or cream. I would definitely make these again and maybe add some pumpkin seeds or grated cheese but  I'd double the recipe as they're almost all gone. My two year old  was having his lunch as I was preparing my photo set and he saw them and started shouting "dookie" which is his word for cookie. I gave him one and he promptly had two more!

Serve these with some cheese, honey and blackberry jam, superb....

Heres the recipe for Flaxseed and Cracked Pepper Crackers, courtesy of Joy The Baker:

1/4 cup gloden flaxseed
1/4 cup ground flaxseed meal
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, cold cut into cubes
1/2 cup buttermilk
Fresh ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flaxseed. flaxseed meal, flours, baking soda and salt.
Add the butter and work it into the dry ingredients until it resembles coarse oatmeal. Make a well in the center of the mixture and add the buttermilk.
Use a fork to bring the dough together and shaggy. Turn out the dough onto a floured board and knead until a ball forms. Wrap in plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 10 minutes.
When chilled, cut the dough in half and rollout thinnerthan 1/8 thick. Use a cookie cutter to cut out the crackers or use a pizza cutter to trim the edges and cut the dough into 1 1/2 inch squares. Prick each cracker with a fork and place on a baking sheet. Top with fresh ground black pepper.
Bake crackers for about 15-18 minutes (see my note above about baking times) Remove from the oven and let cool before placing in an airtight container to store.
The crackers will last at room temp for up to 4 days.

This post is part of the Joy the Baker Cookbook Spotlight and Cook-Off sponsored by Hyperion and hosted at girlichef

Would you like to have a chance to win Joy's awesome book? Just head over to Girlichef's blog and enter her giveaway to win a copy of Joy The Baker!


  1. Wanna try this sometime...Healthy crackers, this is exactly for the whole family. I bet my mom would love this. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my garsh- that IS a brutal challenge. My mouth is turning dry just thinking about it. Ha! I'm happy that you enjoyed these...I did, too! And even better that wee man enjoyed them. They turned out beautifully =)

  3. Gerry, I've missed coming here! I turn around for a second and now you're baking healthy crackers?? Haha...I'm teasing and these 'dookies' do look very tempting! I'll take your son's word for it, children are always very honest :). Please get back to some unhealthy baking soooon...

  4. Joy the Baker is EVERYWHERE! I like the flax in these. May make some this weekend. Great post.

  5. The crackers look awesome... especially the addition of flax makes it a wholesome snack to munch on too!

  6. It sounds like you've really improved on the old Cream Cracker! These look amazing, especially on that cheese plate.

  7. I love making homemade crackers and these do look yummy! I agree with Eliotseats comment above, Joy is everywhere. She does a great job marketing! Have a lovely weekend.

  8. The recipe sounds fabulous!
    Love that cheese plate!

  9. Wow this is second time today I have seen these crackers and the 3rd time I have heard about Joy the Baker. Funny, huh. Your crackers look perfect and I bet they are tasty, the cracked pepper really makes it. Yumm.

  10. Your crackers turned out perfectly. Good call on the extra baking time. I did the same with mine and was pleased with the results. Love your cheese and jam selections as well!

    So glad to be sharing the cookbook challenge and spotlight experience with you. Looking forward to see what you pick for week 3!

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  11. Those are some perfect looking crackers... and they look perfectly delicious too! I bet I would love them! I am bookmarking this one... Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Those crackers look fantastic! I actually just picked up some flax meal, and can't wait to try a gf modified version of these. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hmm..I'd only eat these crackers if I get to dip them into something like hot cocoa or milk. A great alternative for someone who's concern over their weight and is craving for something crunchy to munch. Thanks for sharing your version in making them more interesting! :D

  14. You have just seriously impressed me with your coffee grinder trick. That is GENIUS!

    Awesome looking crackers, not icky dry looking at all ;)

  15. So what I got from this is that I need to buy a coffee grinder ;) I love the look of these crackers and I completely agree - I want that crunch or it's just not a satisfying cracker. Once again, simply amazing photos, Gerry...

  16. your crackers came out beautifully. I didn't make them but after seeing all the great results...and great reviews....I MUST make them

  17. Gerry, I know I just left a comment so please excuse this second comment. But I have nominated your blog for a Liebster award. Although this award may seem inappropriate and utterly ridiculous at this point in your blogging, I find your blog awesome and really feel it deserves even more love. Check my blog for details and please do pass on the torch to others.

  18. Great job on the crackers, I like mine on the crispy side too. I also ground my extra flaxseed in my coffee grinder!

  19. I didn't get the crackers made for this round but your photos make me wish I had--Yum! ;-)


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