
Lavender Lemon bars, Cook Book Spotlight with Joy The Baker...

It's week three of getting to know Joy Wilson through her fantastic baking book and I wont divulge too many of my thoughts because week four is our final review, but I can honestly say, so far it's been huge fun. I'll be bummed when myself and the other awesome bloggers will no longer be able to exchange thoughts and ideas about making Joy's recipes.

This week was our free week, which meant we were allowed to bake whatever tickled our fancy from the list of one hundred toothsome recipes. Usually it would take me a while to choose, I'm a Pisces and someone once told me we are awful at making decisions. I believe this to be true as it takes me forever to order in a restaurant unless it's a regular place I visit. This time though my decision had been made for me by the ingredients which were at my disposal. I actually made these Lavender Lemon bars as soon as I received the book and I have been sitting on this post until now, free week to eject all of my pent-up lemon love for these bars. Around the time my book was delivered I had an abundance of Meyer lemons so when I saw this recipe I was stoked, citrus is a great friend of mine.

The bars were really good and I wouldn't hesitate to use this recipe again. Hell, I'd even just make the crunchy shortbread base to snack on if lemons disappeared from the earth. The lavender was very subtle but I'm not sure if it loses it's punch after sitting for a while, anyone? I'd definitely add more next time around. I used lavender in some caramels before and those were subtle also so it may just be the herb. Be careful not to over bake these bars or you'll end up with a lemon brownie, hey that's okay but you really want that squishy tart center.

Joy's book officially hit the shelves today! Click here to purchase your own copy and check out her blog to see if she'll be in a city near you to sign it.

Here's the recipe form Joy The Baker:

For the crust,

2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/4 cup of packed brown sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1/2 tsp of dried lavender

For the lemon filling,

4 large eggs
1 1/2 cups of sugar
6 Tbsp of all purpose flour
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tsp lemon zest
Powdered sugar and dried lavender for topping

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 13x9 inch pan and set aside.
To make the crust: In the bowl of a stand mixer beat together butter and sugars until pale and fluffy, 3-5 minutes. Stop, scrape down and add the flour, salt and lavender. Beat on low until dough comes together. Dump the dough into the pan and flatten out with your hand until the base is level. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until slightly browned.

To make the filling: While the crust is baking, In a medium bowl whisk together the eggs and sugar until pale and light. Add the lemon juice, flour and zest. Whisk until completely incorporated. Remove the baked crust from the oven and immediately pour the prepared filling over the crust. Return to the oven and bake for 25 minutes or until browned around the edges and no longer wobbly in the center.
After it comes out of the oven sprinkle lavishly with the powdered sugar and dried lavender.
The bars will stay fresh in an airtight container, in the fridge for up to 4 days.

This post is part of the Joy the Baker Cookbook Spotlight and Cook-Off sponsored by Hyperion and hosted at girlichef

Google Friend Connect will disappear tomorrow in a flash! I dont want that to happen to you guys, my readers so if you can click on my G+ icon up above we can still be together...forever. Scary Huh. I appreciate all of your awesome comments and input for Foodness Gracious. I've made many friends since blogging began and I'd like to make many more....Thanks!


  1. Oh yum... That looks so inviting and yummy

  2. These look fabulous, I love, love, love lemon bars but these look better than any I've seen lately!

  3. I think a lemon brownie sounds delicious and I love baking with herbs. Great post!

  4. Yet another recipe I have a sticky tab on. And seeing yours, I know I definitely NEED to make a batch soon. I do think lavender loses a bit of punch over time, but more than that, it is just a subtle amount in the recipe so!? Your photos are beautiful!

  5. I just love lemon bars. Tart and sweet are fantastic together. Once again I love your photo perspective. Very nice!

  6. Your photos are stunning! I could eat my way down one of those lovely rows of lemon bars right now!

  7. I love lemon bars but have never been too crazy about the taste of lavender in food. A friend of mine who grows lavender told me there is a culinary variety that works best in baking, but I've never seen it. Great photos!

    1. Interesting! I just get the dried stuff from the grocery store, let me know if theres another kind :)

  8. Lemon bars with lavender...that's a genius idea. Love the 3rd photo..

  9. Gerry, what have you done to me?! I've been sitting here for at least 5 minutes aimlessly scrolling up and down to stare at the photos of these bars. Amazing. I think I've just been sold on Joy's book - perhaps the perfect easter gift for moi =)

  10. Gorgeous photos! Great choice for this week:-)

  11. Lemon bars are one of my favorite dessert, I just love the softness, the lemony flavor, the crust! This recipe is a keeper!

  12. These look incredible! I've never baked with lavender before though. Apparently, I've been missing out on something awesome. I just pinned this to try soon. Thanks!

  13. Oooh, your photos are so beautiful! I am with you on the lemon love, as you know : ) Weren't these just so delicious!

  14. Thank you for sharing your lemon love this week. They turned out gorgeous!

  15. I went to Joy's book signing last night in Pasadena. The books sold out before I got my hands on one! GREG

    1. Ahh Greg, what can I say..No I will not sell you my copy ;)

  16. Oh my....those bars look luscious and perfect in every way. I should definitely make these!

  17. I'm always wary of making lavender infused treats for fear that they'll taste like perfume. But these sound absolutely delicious, especially with Meyer lemons!

    1. Joanne, I was like that for a while but now I actually add extra as it's really mild usually.

  18. Oh my these look delightful! Delightful is the perfect word for a lavender treat :)

  19. I made these and I loved them!!!!Your pictures are amazing!

  20. Those look like some of the best lemon bars I've seen!!! My hubby would love a batch of these beauties~

    PS...I accept the title of brownie queen with pleasure ;)

  21. Those are some perfect looking lemon bars! I would LOVE a batch all to myself... Great post, Gerry! Beautiful pictures too... I must get my hands on Joy's cookbook!

  22. Gerry, I know I've already expressed my excitement over these lemon bars but thought I'd drop by to let you know I am featuring this post in today's Friday Food Fetish roundup (with a link-back and attribution). Please let me know if you have any objections. It's always a pleasure following your food…

  23. Perfect combination. I am drooling over it.

  24. Lemon and lavender sounds like a beautiful combo! Looks like these bars came out perfectly, I can see why you picked out this recipe right away. Looking forward to your final review!

  25. This looks so delicious. I am going to be making this tonight. Thanks for blogging.

  26. This sounds so delicious. I can't wait to make it tonight. Thanks for posting the recipe.

  27. Gerry, I made them tonight and they were super delicious. I have the culinary version of lavender and decided to use some in the lemon juice. It brought out the lavender without being overbearing. You can order the culinary lavender online. I got mine from Amazon. Happy cooking.

    1. Hey Anagy, Thanks for the kind feedback, I'm glad you liked them and thanks for stopping by :)

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