
Whole Wheat Honey and Goat Cheese Drop Biscuits, Cook Book Spotlight with Joy The Baker....

I'm trying to decide if I have a lawsuit against Joy or with Heather who's responsible for setting up this cook book spotlight for Joy's new book. You see, It seems that I'm gaining some weight and I can only assume it's because of the fantastic recipes from Joy's book. I'm just kidding ladies, I wont be calling our iconic Californian attorney, Larry. H. Parker just yet  but I will continue to make as much as I can from the book. As I browse through it I can see numerous recipes which would be winners at pot lucks and dinner parties.

These drop biscuits are ideal for brunch. Tangy with goat cheese and buttermilk but sweet with honey they could be eaten as they are, with jam or you could do what I did and make your very own breakfast biscuit sandwich. When it comes to breakfasts I'm a straight up bacon and eggs kinda guy and when it reaches my table I'll  stuff it all in the toast or an English muffin and be done with it. These biscuits deserve the goat cheese but you could even add some jalapenos or chopped bacon to the mix. They were easy to make and a little different from a Southern style biscuit, you can taste the difference by using the whole wheat flour earning them a seat on the healthy bus.

Here's the recipe from Joy The Baker:

2 cups whole wheat flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp slat
1/2 stick unsalted butter plus extra for the pan
4 Tbsp crumbled goat cheese
1 cup buttermilk
2 Tbsp honey plus more for drizzling

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place a 10 inch cast iron skillet into the oven as it preheats.
In a bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. With your fingers quickly incorporate the goat cheese and butter until it looks like coarse oatmeal.
Make a well in the center of the dry mixture. Whisk together buttermilk and honey, don't worry if it dosen't all blend. Pour into the center of the flour mixture and stir gently with a fork until no dry ingredients are left. Set aside.
Remove the skillet from the oven and swirl 1 Tbsp of butter around coating all of the pan. Spoon batter into the hot pan by about 1/4 cup amounts leaving about an inch between each biscuit.
Bake for about 14-16 minutes until golden on top and firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes. Repeat until all of the batter has been used. For a glossy finish brush the biscuits with warm honey. They are best served immediately but will last for up to 3 days well wrapped at room temperature.

This post is part of the Joy the Baker Cookbook Spotlight and Cook-Off sponsored by Hyperion and hosted at girlichef


  1. Oh my gosh...pass me one of those sandwiches RIGHT THIS MINUTE! I want to start my day that way today. And as far as lawsuits will! You know you're doing it to yourself ;P ...ha ha ha... (but yeah, I'm right there with ya)

  2. I can feel myself getting fatter just reading your posts! Haha - Food is such fun. Love the goat cheese!

  3. Can't wait to try this recipe. Love the way you write. You inspire me to get in the kitchen and experiment! Thank you!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Greg, theres one left with your name on it :) All aboooaard!

  5. That biscuit sandwich is the best idea I've seen in a while, pass it on over!

  6. To be honest, I've always been a little bit scared of using whole wheat flour for baking - especially for "light & fluffy" fare like biscuits or muffins. Growing up my dad used whole wheat like all purpose flour and produced more hockey puck munchies than I can remember ;) However, your confidence in Joy's biscuits inspire a tiny spark of hope...

    1. JW, have faith, they are a little heavier but it actually feels like your eating something wholesome and better for you at the same time!

  7. Mmmm I love a good biscuit and the goat cheese and buttermilk in these is definitely calling to me. I love Joy the Baker so I'm sure they are great! Yours look fabulous.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Katherine, I tried your roasted brocolli recently and loved it :)

  8. Um, how did I miss out on making an amazing egg sandwich with my biscuits? Time to make another batch!

  9. I love your take on breakfasts :D That breakfast biscuit sandwich you made is just the kind that I would wolf down in a minute! I also like your idea of adding jalapenos or bacon to the biscuit mix...perfect suggestions for a big foodies like me :D

  10. Biscuit sandwich - that is my kind of lazy Sunday breakfast! I am an advocate for carbs, and the combination honey/goat cheese. Naturally this is a perfect fit isn't it!

  11. how funny, a true I am gaining weight as I type. well maybe four brownies and two chamomile cupcakes aren't helping my case. the sandwich looks amazing!

    1. Thanks Vianney, It's a hard job but someone has to do it, right?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. holy toledo...that sandwich blew my socks off! wow gerry...that is spectacular...great photo

  14. I hate to say it, but I think I really have gained a couple of pounds from all the butter and sugar. Ooops!
    I wish I had thought to make a sandwich--excellent idea!

  15. This looks delicious, I love a good breakfast sandwich...especially with a nice runny egg!


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