
Pistachio and Rosemary Caramels...

I have no idea where the idea for this recipe came from, seriously. If anyone has ever made it before let me know because lately I have been on a candy kick but not really in an eating sort of way, more like an experimental, scientific endeavour trying to iron out some kinks especially with chocolate. That's a story for another day though and after finding an awesome recipe for plain caramel here it was time to add some life to it. I know adding nuts to caramels is nothing new in the candy world so when I decided to use pistachios I didn't just want to leave it at that. After staring at my spice rack for what seemed like a whole day but was really only about thirty seconds I saw the rosemary but I always like to use fresh herbs when possible so off to my semi-giant rosemary bush to pick some spears.
I had no idea how this would taste or if it would even work. I thought the caramel would give me some issues if a fresh herb was used but after the latest round of chocolate mishaps I just decided to try it and see what the result would be. This is where I need to pause so I can think of a good enough word to describe these caramels....they were really bloody good (a more polite version of what I really said).

 Creamy and crunchy, salty and sweet with a great fresh rosemary taste. I was really pleased with how they turned out and now my mind is racing with a whole bunch of different varieties of caramel for me to make. I just finished another batch and can't wait until it's cool enough to try, I'll let you know the flavor tomorrow but I was inspired from the land of the laua. I think I know what people are getting this year as a gift for the holidays.

Here's the recipe:

Prepare an 8 inch cake pan by lining it with some parchment paper.
2 cups of heavy cream
2 Cups of sugar
1/2 Cup of light corn syrup
1 Stick of butter
2 tsp of vanilla
12 oz's of chopped roasted/salted pistachios, shelled
1 Tbsp of fresh chopped rosemary
Coarse sea salt for sprinkling

In a large pot melt the butter and then add the cream, sugar and corn syrup. Bring to a boil and wait until the temp reaches 255 degrees on a candy thermometer. Be patient as it takes a little time and these caramels end up being a little more on the harder side which is just my preference.
When it reaches temp, take the pot off the heat and add the vanilla, chopped nuts and rosemary. Stir gently and pour into a prepared lined  8 inch baking pan. Sprinkle lightly with the sea salt and leave to cool for about 4 hours.
To cut the caramel slab once cool, use a very sharp small pairing knife and make 1 incision where you want to cut and then keep going along that line and you'll very quickly cut right through without cracking the bar. Although this seems like a difficult recipe it's actually very easy if you have a lot of patience and a good candy thermometer! I cut them into squares and wrap in some wax paper.


  1. Oh my gawd...I want these. Every last one. They sound (and look) amazing.

  2. Lovely. I am a huge caramel fan, and I really love pistachios. I'm not sure about the rosemary though, so I'll have to take your word for it ;).

  3. I love caramel candy. I had it with pistachios but not rosemary. Sounds very interesting, in a good way.

  4. I love to make candy - what a great idea to add pistachios and rosemary. If I give you my address can you send a few? Haha - Why do I always read your posts right before lunch?

  5. Gerry 3 of my favorite flavors! This would make perfect holiday gifts!

  6. Man these sound good and with cute packaging, these would make great gifts. Not that I'm soliciting for one, lol. I need to make candy soon, xmas will be here before you know it.

  7. Yum! Those sound amazing! Though with the candy overload from filching from my boys' Halloween totes, I probably shouldn't be looking at any candy recipes. Sounds perfect for bagging up for Christmas gifts. Thanks for sharing.

  8. so inventive, Im saving this one.

  9. What a fun treat! Very creative and unconventiional! Love this idea!

  10. These look soo good! I want some right now! :D

  11. These would make a fabulous holiday present. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I had some Rosemary Salted Caramel goodies at Christopher Elbow in KC. I loved them so thank you, thank you, thank you for this recipe. I can't wait to try this out with the pistachios!

  13. These look to me like speciality caramel candy. Sometimes being original and daring produces the best recipes! I'd like to see more of these kinds of experimentations on your blog, plus a video or two :).

  14. Oh I love it! The candy looks beautiful too! I love nuts and I have a huge rosemary bush in my yard so I have to try this recipe for sure. Thank you for sharing your recipe story.

  15. OMGH I love these type of caramels but I make.....I would eat all!lol, look amazing! gloria

  16. I would not want that plateful of caramels in my willpower is just not that strong! The pistachios look so beautiful in your caramels~

  17. This is serious caramels...these are my type of caramels!

  18. Gerry, your first photo is fantastic. I love the pile of caramels with vibrant spots of green. Makes me want to eat one and I'm not huge rosemary fan. But this combination sounds so unique I totally want to try it.

  19. oh how lovely! what a unique treat, so perfect for the holidays!

  20. What an amazing flavor combination. Love, love it. Truly creative.


  21. OOO... drooling here!! Wish I have some right now.

  22. Wow! I know I am going to love this! great photos!

  23. Wow, what a gorgeous flavour of caramel!

  24. Oh wow these look magical! Definitely creative.... I haven't seen a recipe for these before. I bet they taste wonderful. I like my caramels softer... would I just need to let it reach a lower temp than 255?

  25. Great idea adding the rosemary! Glad it all worked so well together & yes these would make fabulous holiday gifts!!

  26. What an interesting flavor profile -- love it!

  27. Um....these look AMAZING.

  28. Oooh this is SO my kind of flavor combination. How divine!! The sweet-salty-nutty combo is absolutely irresistible to me.

  29. Okay, these do look and sound absolutely fabulous. A gift I'd love for the holidays! ;)

  30. I don't care where you got the recipe- those look darn amazing, and I can't wait to eat them! Caramels are my favorite candy, and I LOVE pistachios, mmm the thought of caramel ice cream with pistachios just popped into my head, wonder how hard that would be to make...


  31. I chucked at your first line, because that's exactly where I am with candy and chocolate, and had an out-of-nowhere idea to use rosemary in caramels. Came looking for amounts, whether to infuse the cream with the rosemary and then strain and add to sugar, etc. Anyway, tried this and am happy with the results. I didn't know how the herbs and caramel would play off of each other but it's very nice. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Gerry, good God these sounds AMAZING! Saw them on the bake sale but sorry, I can't afford $60 for caramels! I know they are soooo worth it though. I did bet on your lemon loaf though :) Man oh man I must make these! Loving the new look of your blog too :)

  33. Hi Gerry, I made these last night and they are hard as rocks. What did I do wrong? Here's what I think, but because I have never made caramels before, maybe you can help...I used a much bigger pot then what I should have and as a result the candy thermometer nearly touched the bottom of the pan. OR I constantly kept stirring because I was afraid of the whole thing burning. OR I let them sit for probably 12 hours before I cut them. Argh. Regardless, I think my candy making days are numbered. I don't think I have the patience. Thanks though! It was good for me to branch out an try something new! :-) Erin, San Miguel, CA


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