
Buttermilk and Cheddar Breakfast Biscuit

This post might seem like I'm on a bit of a rant. I heard a radio commercial recently while I was driving around aimlessly with a toddler who was zonked out in his car seat. The commercial was for a well known barbecue rib-type sandwich. The tagline went along the lines of calling the sandwich a "Taste of real barbecue." I almost woke up the boy with my laughing and truck driver response! Not only that, they claim it's slathered with a Memphis-style barbecue sauce. I feel sorry for all the Memphians who churn out quality barbecue and sauce that would outsell that weird-shaped slab any day.

A similar advertisement making me wonder is from another popular fast food chain (picture yellow star with a happy face). They proudly claim their biscuits are made from scratch but they arrive at the store frozen. The biscuits must be made somewhere...they don't just materialize in front of your eyes. You could say the buns are made from scratch or the tortillas or the....I gotta stop now. I'm totally not judging where anyone eats, I just think it's funny how one thing can be called something when it's completely not.

Today I made biscuits... from scratch. I mixed dry ingredients like flour, with wet ingredients like buttermilk.  I filled them with smoked bacon, fried egg and Havarti cheese, a splash of hot sauce and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

This is what happened....simple.

Recipe for Buttermilk Cheddar Biscuits: Adapted from

Prep Time- 10 minutes    Bake Time- 15 minutes    Makes- 7 biscuits  

2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
6 Tablespoon unsalted butter
1 cup buttermilk
3/4 cup grated cheddar

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Line a cookie tray with parchment or a Silpat mat.

In a bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Dice the butter into cubes and crumble through the flour with your fingers until it becomes coarse.

Add the buttermilk and cheese to the flour and gently mix through. The dough will be sticky. Dump the dough onto a floured area and gently fold into a ball.

Using your hands pat the dough out to about one inch high. Using a three and a half inch circle cutter, cut out circles and place onto the cookies sheet.

Gather up the scraps of dough and form a circle again. Cut until the all of the dough has been used.

Place the biscuits in the oven and bake for 15 minutes and golden brown in color. Let cool, slice and serve with your choice of fillings. You could add rosemary to the dough, or chives, or chopped bacon, or Parmesan. So many options!


  1. I love this, Gerry! I'll take a homemade breakfast biscuit any day over a fast food chain!

  2. Haha I always get a kick out of the carl's jr commercials about their biscuits! So glad you made this from scratch though - I could totally get on board with this breakfast every day of the week!

    1. Everyday might be a little scary, maybe 5 times a week :)

  3. Completely agree with you!! I LOOOOVE the looks of this and omg, you have me drooling. I love homemade biscuits and this breakfast sandwich is screaming my name. Now you have me craving breakfast :(

  4. Oh my gosh! My mouth is watering. Love the biscuits and your sandwich is incredible. Do you deliver?

    1. Of course Donna, airfare should be included in delivery ;)

  5. Haha totally agree about the fast food commercials... although really, it's probably for the best, because if they DID actually make biscuits from scratch like these gorgeous biscuits of yours, I'd probably eat out far more often than is healthy. ;)

  6. Nothing better than homemade...your biscuit breakfast is lovely! So says this Texas girl...

  7. Oh my goodness. These look wonderful.

  8. Can I come to your house for breakfast? These look fantastic!!

  9. Looks amazing - I will be trying these this weekend!

  10. I love a good breakfast sandwich and this makes my daily morning muffin with egg look sad! This is one I have to make!

  11. The buttermilk and cheddar breakfast biscuit is not only healthy but also tasty. The recipe is good, thanks for sharing

  12. This looks amazing! I am a buttermilk addict, I will be making this for sure!


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