
Roasted Golden Beets with Orange Vinaigrette

I must admit to gaining a few pounds in the last two weeks but I'm not bitter. Christmas was just how it should have been. The kids went berserk on Christmas morning and Santa dropped of two awesome presents for me, a new camera and an ice cream maker! We also had our traditional trip to the snow and this year we went to Big Bear. The snow was perfect just like the company and lets not forget about the much food. Did anyone make and break their resolutions yet? I think if I was to actually make any it would be to eat more veggies. I know, how original right? I'm talking about root veggies in particular like parsnips, turnips, carrots and beets!

They take a little more time to prep and cook but they're so worth it. Roasting them in a simple olive oil and herb rub gives them a sweet finish with that little bit of burnt taste. That's right you can char these veggies and  still be the kitchen big shot, just don't confuse char and incinerate. I love beets and can go for either red or golden, I just think the golden are way cooler looking. The red beets make me think of fall and golden beets scream spring and summer to me. I know many of you are still seeing snow but trust me, spring is coming!

Most beet salads will have some kind of cheese added and that's dandy. I kept the cheese away this time because of my last beet post. I wanted to keep this light and fresh which is just what I needed after putting my stomach on overtime since the end of November. Beets love to suck up flavor and this orange vinaigrette worked great along with some fresh lemon thyme and sliced red onion. This could be a side salad or turn it into a main course by adding some quinoa or fresh spinach for a healthy start to the year.

Prep Time- 10 minutes    Bake Time- 35-40 minutes     Serves- 2

Recipe for Roasted Golden Beets with Orange Vinaigrette:

1 1/2 pounds golden beets
2 Tablespoon olive oil
2 Tablespoon fresh lemon thyme, chopped
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 red onion, sliced very thinly, about 3/4 cup sliced, reserving some for garnishing.

Orange Vinaigrette

1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
Zest of one whole orange
1/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
1 teaspoon honey
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Wash and dry the beet.

Using a sharp knife slice of  the top and bottom parts of the beet and discard. Cut the beet into one inch cubes. Transfer to a bowl.

Add the oil, lemon thyme, salt and pepper to the chopped beet and mix well making sure to cover all of the beet with the oil mixture. Transfer the beets to a large cookie sheet or baking tray.

Place into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until a sharp knife can easily pierce the beets.

To make the vinaigrette:

Place the olive oil into a bowl along with the red wine vinegar. Whisk to combine.

Add the zest, orange juice, honey, salt and pepper and whisk until well combined. Place in the fridge until ready to use.

Once the beets are ready, let cool for 10 minutes and transfer to a bowl. Pour about 2-3 tablespoons of the dressing over the beet and gently toss with the sliced onion.

Place on a plate and garnish with some sliced onion and fresh chopped lemon thyme.


  1. I love beets but I never cook with them (because the hubs doesn't like them, I need to change his mind)...this looks awesome, Gerry!

  2. I adore beets, golden or otherwise and this is a lovely salad. Adding the quinoa is a fantastic idea, I usually opt for the goats cheese, but I may have been bad over the holidays as well, so omitting the cheese is a great idea. It's all about balance, isn't it.

  3. I love beets, and that vinaigrette is brilliant!

  4. I'm a beet lover also! I think it stemmed from the fact that my mother never fed us beets as kids. I discovered them in adulthood, and now I can't get enough of them. Your salad looks fantastic!!

  5. Love beets, golden or purple..they are delicious!

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  8. Happy New Year Gerry! Beets are good way to start off. I totally agree that golden ones look cooler. I also like the candy cane beets...they are pretty cool too. Take care!

  9. Golden beets are like nature's candy (along with dates!) I love them so much! Congrats on your new camera, too. That's awesome!


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